
The wind whispe红色的 through the trees and the sun shone on the leaves, showing off their autumn hues as we walked down the street to breakfast. 这不仅仅是我们第一次 hg6668皇冠登录 但我们退休后第一次一起度假. 这些日子,我们的生活完全不同了. 我们对新获得的自由感到紧张, but as we strolled the tree-lined streets gilded with fall colors that first morning, 我们知道这是一场充满活力的皇冠苹果版app下载.

“...as we strolled the tree-lined streets gilded with fall colors that first morning, 我们知道这是一场充满活力的皇冠苹果版app下载. ”



我们开始了一天的早餐 Donckers, a local favorite that dates back to the late nineteenth century. 在点了一堆烙饼之后, 培根, 还有蔬菜杂碎, we watched Washington Street begin to wake up from our perch on their balcony. I sopped up every bit of maple syrup with those fluffy pancakes. 假期卡路里不算数,对吧? We perused the candy counters for treats for our grandkids and picked up a smorgasbord of bear paws and chocolate-cove红色的 caramels to ship to them later, with a note promising we’d bring them with us next time.


Bellies full, we made our way downtown, stopping in at 苏必利尔湖图片社 为我们的旅行寻找一些摄影灵感. We were looking forward to taking lots of great shots of our own, 甚至希望能看一眼 北极光. We meande红色的 down the Rosewood Walkway to the lakefront and the Lower Harbor Ore Dock. The impressive structure towering over the lake stood as a reminder of the iron industry that built this town. 然后我们去了 hg6668皇冠登录港灯塔 对于一些标志性的照片. The bright 红色的 lighthouse was surrounded by a forest of 橙色 and gold. 用金色的沙子 马克卡迪的海湾 and the blue waves of 苏必利尔湖 in the foreground, it was a postcard-worthy scene.



After exploring downtown, we ventu红色的 out to the 哈洛湖休闲区. We took the Red Pine Trail through tall stands of trees before turning onto the Harlow Creek Trail, which led to an area with tall grasses resembling a coastal marsh. In the distance, we heard the faint drumming of a ruffed grouse, which are common to the region. The sound of the grouse and the satisfying crunch of fallen leaves under our feet were the only sounds in the otherwise silent and peaceful landscape.

The trail crossed an old railroad bed turned multi-use trail and led us towards the lake. The raised railroad bed gave us a fantastic view of the winding creek below, 我们拍了一张又一张照片, 红色的, 橙色, 金色的树梢在我们周围摇曳.

“The sound of the grouse and the satisfying crunch of fallen leaves under our feet were the only sounds in the otherwise silent and peaceful landscape. ”



The next morning, as we sipped our coffee and studied the maps strewn across our table at 酒窖, some locals at the next table suggested we take a day trip to 大湾, 22 miles down the road. Even though hg6668皇冠登录 was bursting with color, we were happy to get an insider tip on some 不为人知地 的观点.

After enjoying a breakfast of crispy skillet-fried potatoes, 毛茸茸的鸡蛋, 还有自制的肉桂葡萄干吐司, 我们上路了, eager to see the rolling hills cove红色的 in autumn’s glow. County Road 510 is one of those quiet and curvy byways that just begs for the windows down and some classic tunes playing as your soundtrack


我们遇到了历史性的 510年桥,这只是在尖叫着拍照. I practically jumped out of the car to start taking pictures. We walked underneath the metal trusses and took in the view of the Dead River, 河岸被涂成鲜艳的红色和黄色, 伴随着常青树的噼啪声. 跳回车里, 我们继续沿着弯弯曲曲的路走下去, hugging the curves through a forest tunnel created by the tree tops overhead. I looked up through the moon roof to see the canopy ablaze with 红色的, 橙色和金色在我头顶飞过.

驶离… 托马斯岩观景台, we set off on the gravel path to check out this inc红色的ible view we’d heard so much about. The path led to a boardwalk and we emerged onto a large rock outcropping. 在那里, we were greeted with expansive 的观点 of 大湾, 湖独立, 远处的苏必利尔, with the trees creating their own sea of color stretching out all around us. We were so awestruck, we almost forgot to capture the scene! We snapped a bunch of shots, along with a selfie for the grandkids, before making our way back down.

We rolled into 大湾 for an early dinner at The Thunder Bay Inn, 曾经是亨利·福特的度假屋. Giant bottles of malt vinegar and mounds of fried goodness meant it was Fish Fry Friday. 我们在他们的柴炉旁享用了一顿丰盛的晚餐, feasting on locally caught whitefish fried to perfection, 再来几杯本地精酿啤酒.



Our last morning in hg6668皇冠登录, we ventu红色的 across the street from our hotel to Steinhaus指出, a classic German beer hall specializing in traditional German cuisine, for its stellar brunch. We started with a spicy 培根 Bloody Mary and classic Hofbräu beer, along with country-fried schnitzel and eggs benedict. Absolutely stuffed and in need of an easy activity, we decided to do a little antiquing and found ourselves cruising to neighboring Negaunee.

沿着41号公路走10英里, the village is home to the Michigan Iron Industry Museum and several antique shops. 参观完迷人的展品后, we strolled along the boardwalk path that was also surrounded by gorgeous fall color. 在附近的一家古董店, 我们发现了一些雕刻精美的木碗, 手绘不同的动植物, 并了解到它们是Munising bowl, 在世纪之交很流行. Knowing they would remind us of our trip, we couldn’t pass them up.

回到 具有里程碑意义的酒店, 我们点了一些经典鸡尾酒, 法国75和曼哈顿, 晚餐前在北极星酒廊. As the sun began to set, the sky was ablaze with magenta and gold, just like the forest. The star of the show was the view of the hg6668皇冠登录 skyline and 苏必利尔湖, 四周都是闪烁的秋色. We toasted to a fun and relaxing trip, ready to embrace the slower pace that life brings us. While we didn’t get to see the 北极光 this time, 用我们新获得的自由, we knew we would be back to try to catch them next time and experience all hg6668皇冠登录 has to offer.